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Peeves in everyday life...


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Having to deal with the late policy at my school biting me in the ass. My school has the late policy of "If your late 6 times, your suspended." I currently have 5 lates, so if late one more time, I'm suspended.

Ouch... If I were at your school, I'd be suspended in 6 days. At my school, only my homeroom (math) teacher has a late penalty, and I have to serve a 15 min. lunch detention every two days. And he enforces penalties by the SECOND. The moment the bell starts ringing and you're not in the room, then you're late. Even if you dart in as the bell is still ringing (ring duration is about 3 seconds) you're late. Also the detentions are enforced by the second. Detention is officially at 11:30 AM (or 12:00 noon on Wednesdays) and at the moment it hits that time, the door slams shut resulting in a "non-attendance" for that detention. Get two of them and you're referred to the vice principal for further discipline. A missed detention equals a half-hour the next day. As for what the vice-principal does can vary, it can be early sign-ins for a certain length of time, detentions, or whatever. Rarely do we get suspended for lates. And I thought I had it bad. I guess I was spoiled for getting to school late just about EVERY DAY for the past 5 years with no penalty ever until now. Although all those hundreds of lates, I was never more than 10 minutes late, 95% of them are within 3 minutes of the bell, 4% of them between 3 and 7 minutes and about 1% between 7 and 10 minutes. I feel for you man, I have never been suspended, but I would get my ass whooped if I ever did.

And on a related matter... my school has this new rule where everyone in the halls/stairwells have to stand and remain where they are while the morning announcements are read. They come right after the National Anthem (which I have no beef with) and usually last from 3-7 minutes, which I think is a complete waste of time considering the stairwells have no PA speakers and the ones in the hallway are crap (set on minimum volume?) and makes me much later than what I would be if I could move during announcements. It would probably make more sense if people in the hallways/stairwells could actually hear the announcements clearly when standing.

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tailgaters :D;):P

If I'm not driving fast enough for you, then pass me, just like I do to you ^_^

Drivers who refuse to move into the right lane as the law tells them to ;)

(not saying thats you, just adding my two cents to your peeve ;) )

Having to deal with the late policy at my school biting me in the ass. My school has the late policy of "If your late 6 times, your suspended." I currently have 5 lates, so if late one more time, I'm suspended.

Don't be late then ... pretty simple ;)

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Drivers who refuse to move into the right lane as the law tells them to ^_^

(not saying thats you, just adding my two cents to your peeve :D )

Don't be late then ... pretty simple ;)

It's pretty hard for me considering I leave home an hour and a half before schools supposed to start yet I'm late. It's only supposed to take 40 minutes from my place to school, and I only have to take one bus route.

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It's pretty hard for me considering I leave home an hour and a half before schools supposed to start yet I'm late. It's only supposed to take 40 minutes from my place to school, and I only have to take one bus route.

Then leave two hours before school starts ^_^

When I was in school, my classes started at 830 and I had to leave home at 645 to catch the bus. Sucks, but thats all part of growing up. And if you think thats bad, wait till you start working and have to get up at 430 in the morning to be at your job ... :D

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Having to deal with the late policy at my school biting me in the ass. My school has the late policy of "If your late 6 times, your suspended." I currently have 5 lates, so if late one more time, I'm suspended.

Ouch! Luckily for me, my homeroom teacher would take attendance after his lesson or when we would be doing work in class. Too bad 2nd semester starts now...

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When i have to go outside in the cold and the wind is blowing directly at me, freezing my face off. So you wan't to get inside sooo bad but your destination feel miles away even though it's only a few feet ahead of you.

When i work at Toys R Us and somebody with a full blown accent is asking for something and i don't have a clue what there saying.

When my computer doesn't work..................................................

When i go to watch a video on a website and it says only people from the USA can view it.

When you walk by someone on the sidewalk and you look at eachother, the awkwardness that accompanies it.

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How is that possible? What if they fail every single test/exam?

Judging by the birthday on his profile, he's in middle school. Even in my middle school it was impossible to fail. If you're failing with a 45%, they boost your mark to 52% or something. And they put you in special programs and give you easier work and more time to do it so that you won't fail.

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Judging by the birthday on his profile, he's in middle school. Even in my middle school it was impossible to fail. If you're failing with a 45%, they boost your mark to 52% or something. And they put you in special programs and give you easier work and more time to do it so that you won't fail.

That's why Toronto high schools are considered the lowest ranked in Ontario when it comes to provincial wide exams. You guys are spoiled.

In York Region, if you're getting a 12% in a course, you're getting 12%. No questions asked.

(Coming from someone whose friend got 12% in Accounting.)

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