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Everything posted by tctf101

  1. That would be 2061-2009-2082 consist as I gotten a photo of it on the red line this morning
  2. Does anyone mind changing my username to tctf101 since I have now moved to Calgary
  3. Spotted a green spruce meadows classic on Deerfoot by glenmore today
  4. Spotted 2 U2 sets on the red line this morning unknown numbers
  5. Buses with the on request wraps are 931, 933, 935, 936, 940, 947 they will use 3 usually and the other 3 for spares
  6. It has to do with certain runs, there’s a few 690/691 runs that can get those buses
  7. That’s an arboc spirit of mobility
  8. Bump! So seems like at least one of the D30lfs are now retired, spotted a brand new arboc today and it’s numbered T159 which is the number of a D30lf. Year is unknown so if anyone knows more details feel free to update the wiki
  9. Get your pics of unrefurbished D40lfs ASAP as any that aren’t can and will be retired at any second
  10. They are more likely still being used to train drivers as that’s where I see them being used primarily
  11. In spring/summer they can park buses outside but in the winter they can’t
  12. So I noticed that 107 the D901 is parked behind FRG, does anyone know why that is
  13. No that’s not a mistake reason why they are using 14 bishop grandin is because there isn’t a stop on the 14 called Dunkirk so people can get confused
  14. I’m not too sure why 9914 is moved from active training buses to retired training buses, I’ve seen it used numerous times recently and it should be changed back to active training buses
  15. In general 9xxx buses are non revenue buses, that D30lf is ex 914 and is often used as the surveillance camera outside FRG, the rest are 1999 D40lfs currently used as training buses. You can find information about them on the wiki
  16. A bit of word of caution from me: So me and bus is coming 1965 were fanning at graham and smith and after we are done police came and asked us what we were doing, they said that due to current issues going on in the US and potential threats posed towards the police headquarters they are kind of sensitive towards cameras being used around the building, so to anyone that plans on fanning around there it’s best to avoid fanning at graham and smith for the time being, although it’s not explicitly asked to stop fanning around there in general all precautions should be taken when near the building with a camera as we don’t want to create more bad then good. At the same time the police are aware what we are doing and knows it doesn’t pose any hazards but still better to cooperate for the time being and do what’s asked.
  17. Actually they will be 440-471 because winnipeg transit always starts with 0, 1 or 5 with fleet numbers
  18. As of now non if there are any I will post them but I’m hoping in the spring
  19. A factor to why they took a long time to go back to regular from reduced last time is the lack of drivers due to large scale layoffs, if we were going back to reduced I’d expect them to be more aligned with the province’s measures since there’s already a plan in place for different scenarios, not like see as we go type of deal. Also with school winter breaks potentially being extended into January it’s likely that ridership will drop significantly for that period of time which is also a signal transit may need to go to reduced service for that period of time. Schools are a big part of ridership right now and they will need more buses then regular service alone even if some buses are running empty, for example one time there was around 50 students getting off school at Glenlawn collegiate and jammed up a regular service 14 to sardines, and then a few days later they sent a fill to mitigate the problem.
  20. Thompson transit finally has a word about the new cutaway style buses they are purchasing https://www.thompsoncitizen.net/news/thompson/city-buying-two-smaller-transit-buses-that-should-be-ready-for-service-by-spring-2021-1.24188921
  21. 422 entered service on the 48 today
  22. I seen it already, it says practice social distancing non medical masks recommended
  23. 354 is on the 101 tonight 615 is on the 102 tonight
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