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Everything posted by SMS

  1. Yesterday, routes 28, 39, and 77 at RTL all had accessibility violations...
  2. Now down to 412. My contact at McGill University Library is strongly considering its purchase at my behest!
  3. 22-392 still alive on either 168 or 178 this am rush (sorry)
  4. One condition of the CPTDB regardless of where you live is that anyone found posting with multiple accounts will receive a permanent ban. By no means is this policy limited to the Ottawa section. I like what I am reading so far, please continue.
  5. I am already getting the ball rolling: topic pinned. SMS
  6. Benoît confirmed to me that other select book stores will carry the publication. Boutique STM will not have a monopoly on this! The various "amical" at garages will also offer the book to interested STM employees.
  7. This sounds similar when summer booking had a special 2 week schedule coinciding with construction holidays.
  8. Please write your wishlist for what changes you would like to see here in National Capital Region section.
  9. That is great news. I strongly suggest purchase soon. 2000 hard cover copies were printed and there is enough demand by drivers at each garage for the first printing to sell out.
  10. Since Tuesday, buses leaving Panama direction TCV have been transiting via the temporary terminal (only concrete for bays and shelters poured). My employer is calling it temporary, but it sure looks permanent to me.
  11. The STM issued a press release yesterday for the opening of the Boutique STM in French only here: http://stm.info/en/press/press-releases/2019/100-ans-de-bus-a-montreal----un-livre--un-balado--une-boutique-et-des-portes-ouvertes---french-only- Very soon, the book will be available for sale online through the website. I looked a few minutes ago, but it was a dead link. One of the authors will inform me which select bookstores will carry the publication, as I want my alma mater McGill to have a copy. Here are the details of the book... Authors: Benoît Clairoux, Jaysen Constantineau, Robert Lacombe, Jean-François Lacourse Title: 100 ans de bus à Montréal ISBN: 978-2-9804700-1-1 Published in Montreal by Regroupement loisir et sport du Québec, 2019. Do not be intimidated that the book was only published in French. It is 500 pages long and has 1400 photos and illustrations.
  12. After ten years of this thread being in existence, (it seems that our turning a blind eye and repeated warnings has gotten us nowhere) and the guidelines above are constantly ignored - so now new action will take place. For starters Loud-Invero has been suspended for a week, and STO_1601 has earned two weeks off as a direct result of poor post quality, incorrect information, and reports from other members. I am using a multiplier of 2 per infraction. Let's say hypothetically the abovementioned members do anything to warrant another suspension. They will receive 2 weeks off or a month off respectively. Pretty soon, we will have a discussion as a whole on how to improve conditions specifically for the Ottawa section. I want this to be a collaborative effort. Together, we will create guidelines that will make the forum worthy of respect and credibility. I spoke to all admins and we agreed that this is the proper course of action, for the record. SMS
  13. Yesterday AM rush 2-0013 on the 13 on layover at Panama and 2-0004 on the 30/664 interline
  14. 23-222 on St-Denis street in the Plateau after 6 pm
  15. Rode 29-020 on 141 Jean-Talon Est 39-115 was the bus behind it at Beaugrand south loop 39-120 also sighted today
  16. Enough is enough. Everyone has been warned fairly not to stir the pot. Won't listen? Fine. Take a leave of absence instead. The admins and I will come up with a course of action, right now we will sleep on it but there will be results. SMS
  17. On Sunday afternoon, 22-275 was on the 71 as run 01. A few hours later, it was on the 106
  18. Impressive map. Do we know when the first buses crossed the river to Hull?
  19. According to La Presse, OC Transpo 9301 was the first bus built at the St Eustache plant by Nova once MCI stopped producing the Classic. Source: https://www.lapresse.ca/affaires/entreprises/201911/01/01-5247990-nova-bus-la-lente-ascension-de-lautobus-a-plancher-bas.php
  20. Actually, for a few months, we were lucky to use the last little remnant of the Transitway. It was westbound only from just east of Taschereau Blvd until Tunnel Panama and eastbound only from Pelletier overpass until Tunnel Panama. As of today at 2 am, this is no more. We got the memo 48 hours before the permanent closure for REM construction of new Panama station. Gulp, spoke too soon. 3 out 4 lanes on the bridge currently closed; all traffic is in the shoulder lane. As of 9 am all 45 and 90 service detours via JC bridge TCV direction only. I really don't know what repair work is currently being undertaken but it is disappointing to say the least. I have done hundreds of 90 trips this year; it is depressing to end on such a low note. At least no passengers complained.
  21. Interesting how both sides of the river have a neighbourhood named Templeton!
  22. Two days ago 22-406 was on the 36 near TCV and yesterday 22-317 was on the 178!
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