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Everything posted by captaintrolley

  1. My friend Dennis had a lady get on his bus and she had no bottoms on, just a blouse and one shoe. He excused her from paying a fare because she had no pockets (That would be an Edmonton sighting BTW.)
  2. Adding some wood to the concrete and steel.
  3. Trolleys on the Route 5 and diesels on the Route 3 today. Expect diesels on the Route 3 tomorrow (Sunday) because of the parade detour.
  4. "Go Dogs, Go, the light is green now...." VVVRRROOOMMM....
  5. Great, everybody's out and about without me. I'm stuck spending the afternoon at the denstist (check-ups and cleaning) with my kid. I think Ken had Unit # 127 on Run 12010 today. Janice had Unit # 160. Run 318 had Unit # 144 today (that figures, Pally is off today ). Just about all our faves had trolleys today. I did take notice of most of them while 'in transit' but did not have the opportunity to get Unit #'s. There was a Route 5 with a retriever issue at WTC at about 1445. The WW van was going to give it a new retriever, but he had about 6 other 'house calls' to make before this one. I think it had a C/O because this would have been the bus right behind Janice, and that run (506) did have a D40LF in the evening.
  6. That does make a lot of sense. Thanks for sharing the info.
  7. Yes, Happy New Year's ! Watch this board for special pics from the Lunar (Dragon Trolley) Parade.
  8. I once came across a pole by the 101 Street underpass, but had no way to bring it with me. Just a bit awkward. The switch at 82 Street and 111 Avenue was acting up, one guy reported it split his poles every trip. I went through there with Mark and he didn't have any problem. Sometimes when a bus (say a trolley training bus) goes straight through to Highlands, one half of the switch doesn't return, so the next bus through splits his poles.
  9. Very good. I was doing a bit of a trip with Ken. 2016-2134. Just touching base. The switch at 95 Street and 111 Avenue worked 4 times for him today. Tuesday he had no luck with it. He likes # 128, says the heat is good, the steering is very good and it also goes VERY smooth and fast (like greased lightning :-) I also touched base with Bill on Unit # 166 this morning (I brought him a couple of 8 X 10 photos of his FTD poses). Then I caught Mark on Unit # 183. I coached Mark on the Dennis Switch Technique at 95 Street and 111 Avenue and the Ken Crossover Technique at 156 Street & Stony Plain Road. Mark mastered both of them. He was so pleased that he didn't dewire at 156 Street & Stony Plain Road because this gave him full layover to run to ESSO for a coffee. He said on Tuesday he spent his layovers repoling and didn't get to treat himself to anything. Mike had Unit # 126, Larry had Unit # 129, and I caught Karl somewhere in all that mess, but I can't remember what Unit he had. A truck hit a power pole on 149 Street and 116 Avenue. It knocked out the power to the pool (for the lights and filtration system, so the pool was closed for almost two hours before everything was functional again. Traffic lights in the area were out causing some chaos, but the trolley power was unaffected. The buses still have ONE FULL LANE to themselves.
  10. I saw a couple of those 'Peace Officer' cars at WTC today. Two of them in the old [128 University] stall. Their Red & Blue emergency lights were going too ! And yeah, about 3-4 PSO personel in and about the vehicles. I didn't see anything happening, they were probably waiting for a bus to pull in wth some 10-17 / 18 on board.
  11. A trolley had a pole come out of it's socket today. That hasn't happened in a while. I didn't catch the Unit # (sorry, I am coming down with a cold and had an opportunity to sleep in ~ and invariably miss some of the action).
  12. So why are the trains going slow in the north end? Is there a slow order/track speed restriction there? What's up with that ? Yeah, only they are calling it BMYN now. B = Block
  13. Disagree. I find every month going by at tremdous speed. Try taking vacation in February and see how fast it goes Duracell or Energizer ?
  14. I even noticed that when I went out to Alberta Hospital on February 01st. The train I was on went REAL slow at one point. I was hoping it would speed up because it was going to be a near squeak to get that Route # 184, but we made it....Whew !!!
  15. I heard about that...I nearly fell off my seat when I found out
  16. The switch for the Route 5/120 EB by the Convention Center is also giving problems. This has been on going for a little while. Of course anytime someone calls in regarding it control invariably tells the person "This is the first we've heard of it". Come on, give the drivers some credit, it's not always driver error. I wonder why Epcor just didn't throw some tie circuits and re-direct the power ? I hope so too.
  17. Power problems on 101 Street between 105 Avenue and Jasper Avenue at 1120. The Route 3's are being pushed presently. The Epcor Trolley Crew has been dispatched. Epcor says they've reset the power a few times and it's not holding. There's a distinct possibilty of dieselisation on the Route 3. Mark only does one trip on the Route 3 so he may escape the dieselisation procedure. I was going to say "Hi" to him during my lunch break, of course his line volt indicator came on as soon as he crossed 105 Avenue...and I'm over by the library . So I'll catch Mark after work at 1526. ETS is in dire need of a new wire map, with all the breakers on it, and color coded in 'circuit sections'.
  18. Awesome. Bit of an error though where the article mentions carbon shoes were used for removing ice on the wires. Steel shoes (or sometimes called sleet shoes) were used for this purpose. Glad to see that a couple of 'oldtimers' have a renewed lease on life.
  19. Uh huh ! BTW, don't look for me tomorrow, working till 1500. Catching Mark at 1526 to give him some pointers about 156 Street and Stony Plain Road from Ken. Bill MacDonald got his 30 year pin. He thinks he's got permanent status now
  20. They won't play on my home computer, hopefully they will play on my work computer in the morning. Edit: Morning has arrived, and yes, the videos worked.....very nice footage. Thanks for sharing.
  21. Boils down to the old adage of "Too many cooks spoiling the broth" Or the definition of 'A Camel' which is a horse built by a committee. By the time the six departments get together to approve something and sign triplicate forms, the problem will have gone away or solved itself (which is what they are hoping for).
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