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Squished by an intercity bus


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At the Québec Palais station bus terminal, a woman was killed when the bus she was running after ran over her.
This is very sad and I am sorry this has happened.

When will people learn to be at the stop earlier to avoid having to chase the bus down. I am not sure on the frequency of that particular service, but in Calgary where I drive Transit, it blows me away how many people will chase down my bus with some even running more than a couple of blocks even though the next one is 5 to 7 minutes behind me. It seems people think I am the last bus of the day (During the afternoon rush hours!!!)

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I see that all the time. People running like mad (OMG, that's my bus - last one in the whole world mentality) when there is clearly frequent service and no need to get killed.

Many people don't know how to budget their time and are always in 'panic' mode. Some people, like me, over budget their time and end up being ridiculously early for stuff - perhaps just used to crappy ETS service :)

Don always used to say "You can tell when it's time to go because people start running for the bus".

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I feel bad for her and her loved ones, but people have to learn not to run after buses. Evidently she was in the driver's blindspot, and he couldn't be expect to see or hear her.

The bus from Quebec to Montreal runs every hour, and this certainly wasn't late enough at night that she was missing the last bus. She should have waited for the next one.

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