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A guy from Germany, tume, is developing a CLRV.

I know he is. That's the one I was referring to. I have learned, however, that it is foolish to assume that a piece of content is guaranteed to be released, as I've been waiting 5 years for Magicland to release his NYC R1 and R40 models.

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I have been operating trains in openbve for a few years, and I have started to look at the coding for it. I have discovered multiple variables in one of the route sections that could allow something like a GT signal system. I am not experienced in this area, but am willing to give it a try as my first contribution to the community. However, I will need info on how these signals function. at what distance do they activate from, and for how long does the flashing red aspect continue for? (I'm not in the toronto area)

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at what distance do they activate from, and for how long does the flashing red aspect continue for? (I'm not in the toronto area)

Grade Time signals are triggered when entering the block that signal is facing, so basically when passing the previous signal. As for how long the light flashes, that is dependent on the time permitted. If slow speed operation is warranted, you calculate how long it takes a train to clear that block at, say, 20 mph. If its 6 seconds, you set the timer for 5.5 seconds, giving you a bit of play room, but not much.

Every grade time on the TTC is different, due to varying conditions and speed allowances.. The only thing they share is a flashing red light.

If you need any other specs, like indications, etc. I could probably write a good review for ya.

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Alright! I have managed to get the red aspect on one of the ny signals to flash! however, when the signal changes, there is a small bulge as unlike the signal done a few years ago, this one is coded for the green aspect to appear over top of the flashing red aspect. furthermore, the signal is not treated as a "real signal" by openbve, because it is just an animated object, and passing the signal at danger will not trigger a "passed red signal" notice. To work on next: Get the signal to reflect the blocks ahead. (at the moment, it displays clear, no matter what.)

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Is there any way to make the animated object display a passed red signal notice?

There is, but it relies on timing, not speed. I can set a signal to clear at a certain time, so that if you speed, you pass the signal before it is scheduled to clear, thus passing a red signal. A code between the track and train can also put the train into emergency, simulating a tripcock. the disadvatage to this approach is the fact that the AI treats the signal as solid red, so that the signal will indicate yellow before the GT signal. this also means the AI driver will come to a near stop at all the GT signals, causing large delays. Futhermore, If your train runs early, the signal will not clear in time, and despite seeing green on the GT signal, Openbve will display the "passed red signal" notice. There may also be a plugin on the web for this, but I would have to do some searching.

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There is, but it relies on timing, not speed. I can set a signal to clear at a certain time, so that if you speed, you pass the signal before it is scheduled to clear, thus passing a red signal. A code between the track and train can also put the train into emergency, simulating a tripcock. the disadvatage to this approach is the fact that the AI treats the signal as solid red, so that the signal will indicate yellow before the GT signal. this also means the AI driver will come to a near stop at all the GT signals, causing large delays. Futhermore, If your train runs early, the signal will not clear in time, and despite seeing green on the GT signal, Openbve will display the "passed red signal" notice. There may also be a plugin on the web for this, but I would have to do some searching.

Does this imply the simulator uses the absolute time from the start of the simulation for timing signals. Intuitively the timing would be relative from the time the previous signal was passed. Does such a capability exist to configure such a timed value?

I would think the absolute time from the start of the simulation would make more sense for the "running early" scenario -- as a proxy for catching up to the previous train. As I'm not familiar with the openbve configuration/scripting, have I understood that correctly?

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Is there any way to make the animated object display a passed red signal notice?

Having signals respond correctly has to be possible based on time.

I've experienced this with one of the maps I play often, Network West Midlands. There are multiple instances where restrictive signals for junctions will clear, but only if you have reduced your speed accordingly. It's a weird system if you ask me, but there has to be either a timer aspect or a speed aspect to the coding of it.

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Having signals respond correctly has to be possible based on time.

I've experienced this with one of the maps I play often, Network West Midlands. There are multiple instances where restrictive signals for junctions will clear, but only if you have reduced your speed accordingly. It's a weird system if you ask me, but there has to be either a timer aspect or a speed aspect to the coding of it.

In which sessions on the NWM can these be found? (NWM runs @ 1 fps on my computer) If you can tell me which csv file and where the restrictive signals are, I could try and reverse-engineer the signals.

Edit: Never mind, I think I have it figured out! Stay tuned for demo pics!

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Well, my first GT signal code is done! here are some screens for the demo.

The first situation:

the train approaches at the speed limit of 45 KMPH (First photo)

The signal remains at danger... (Second Photo)

And clears just before the train reaches it. (Third Photo)

On the other hand, this train is traveling at 60 KMPH, 15 Km over the speed limit. As a result, the signal does not clear in time (Fifth Photo)

Causing the "passed red signal" notice. (In this case, the "Passed red signal" notice is in the form of the line stating "The Signal states a maximum speed of 0 KMPH." A plugin was found that will stop the train automatically if the train passes a red signal. Tripcocks anyone? (Last Photo)

However, when the train comes to a complete stop, the "proceed with extreme caution" notice appears, showing that the signal was indeed treated as red by openbve. (Third Photo)

However, AI is no longer possible on this route, as the AI driver would bring the train to a near halt at the signal. Futhermore, the signal is treated as red if the train approaches the GT signal at anytime before 8:02 and 10 seconds, meaning running early results in getting tripped. this signal is more of an absolute signal than a GT signal, but I think I can get it to work well with signals keeping trains from departing the stations ahead of schedule.

That's All!

P.S. Forgive me for not having the photos next to the captions; the uploader doesn't seem to like me.

Picture 4.png

Picture 9.png

Picture 10.png

Picture 15.png

Picture 16.png

Picture 17.png

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I cannot send the route as I cannot get ahold of the original author. However, I can post the method for implementing the signal. The route itself cannot be found either. I will look into what rights I have to post it. Meanwhile, your link appears to be broken. However, If the route name is TTC_YUS v1.csv, then I already have it.

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The route viewer that I rely on to get the position of signals does not seem to like the YUS, meaning that I have to manually hunt down the signals inside the CSV file. Doing the entire YUS would take quite a while, so I am trying get a few stations done, and plan to post the additional code here so that anyone can modify the route themselves. ( not only that, but I can't seem to send files as attachments in PMs.)

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the YUS BVE is quite terrible if you ask me. The geometry isn't great, especially when you compare it to the complexities of routes like the TfL Northern Line.

I say if you want to do something right, do it all over again! Or start with the BD line, as it would be easier to draw.

Didn't somebody abandon doing the BD? I remember screen shots.

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