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Posts posted by Hybrid0920

  1. hsr hybrid 0603 has a long driverside ad and long passenger side ad for the new waterfront shuttle.

    510513 has a new drivrside ad for Luba Mera...

    most busses already have their "surfs Up" ads removed cuz the movies already out..

  2. Here is the wrap to which Kevin referred:


    And, to go with the context of the thread, some new HSR buses:


    Note 0612 has the bike rack 'clip'.


    that exact same wrap is on the other side of 0603 also. thats the first time ever that hsr did that....and its permanitly on route 99 for the summer..

  3. I don't know how well interfering the fleet # in front. As well, bike racks will get beat up if not careful!

    I dont actually think too many people will use the bike racks.. i even ride from downtown to stoney creek sometimes...

  4. why on earth would OC buy it? :rolleyes:

    I like the GM Artics, but i have to say, they spew out a lot of pollution. i recently became concerned about the environment after i passed my gr. 9 geography class. i hate to say it, but think they should not be used, they should buy some fuel efficient hybrid artics, just like hamilton. they are a great start on the greenhouse gas problem... :)

  5. Right now there's only one wrapped bus, an Invero....7019-03. It's the same ad as the two D40LF's over there for the HSR. Maybe some of your buses down there may be getting some long-bar pink ads for Mapleview may appear there, too.

    Got an update: The Orion I also has the long-bar Mapleview ad on its driver-side. Plus today, I did see the 82 fishbowl display a new small white square ad on its driver-side as well as Orion V 7065-91...same ad, same side.

    I also may have mentioned that Classic 7011-83 doesn't have the small "Open House.ca" ad on its driver-side. Well, I was wrong as I had seen it yesterday and it's still there. That maybe the onlly ad for OPen Houses.ca" in the fleet.

    The small white driverside vynal (or however you spell it :P ) is for a Volkswagon car sale. I started noticing them on alot of hsr 0700s the past few days.

    By the way can we post hsr bus ads on this thread too?

  6. Those pink ads are actually ones from Mapleview Centre. They're the long-bar ads and not full bus wraps, unlike Invero 7019-03 has.

    Currently, Classics 7012-83, 7055-87, Orion V's 7063-90 and 7079-94 have them.

    Lastly, the small square ads for Comsumer's Flooring are found on Orion V's 7080-94. That appears to be the only one any side of any bus, seeing as currently, 7077-94 and Invero 7020-03 are on their rear ends.

    Does BT have 2 busses fully wrapped with the "mapleview" ad like hamilton?

  7. Artics 0610, 11, 12, 13 and 15 were all on route 1-King today while 0614 was on the 25/26 Upper Wentworth/Wellington.

    The artics should be used regularly on weekends from now on.


    I believe 3 days ago (maybe 4) artic 0613 was on the 23 Upper Gage. Do you think they needed one on that route?

    By the way, do the artics interfere with other buses in Gore Park? i'd think they'd take up more than 1 bus stop!


    RIP 9718!!!

  8. I built this:


    which shows the fleet roster for all fleets in Ontario. I warn you; this list DOES contain errors, because much of the data is dated, and some of it involved educated guesswork (EG I knew there were busses 1001, 1002, 1003, and 1005, that were of a certian model due to pics, but there was no pic of 1004. in that case I just assumed it was the same model). If you know any of these to be wrong for a fact, please feel free to post that, I'd like to get this as correct as possible.

    please note this is an update from my earlier thread.

    Hamilton's Orion VI one (9900s) theres now 24 busses. 9905 caught on fire.. :D hope that helps... :P And Hamilton doesn't have 30 classics, i know they retired a few i think theres between 35-42 classics left if anybody can correct me. :o and hamiltons novas, theres now 19, 9718 had a fire.

  9. :lol:Good day all,

    Does anyone know of any new HSR routes and services coming to the Hamilton area? I hear an extended all-day Beeline and Route 56 Heritage Green, any more?


    I hear the city's choice for a new inter-modal terminal could be on Hunter Street, adjacent to the Go Centre is on the board. Wouldn't a new Terminal in the core (MacNab St.) itself be the best alternative? It would better centralize transfers but also put some more life into the core itself by means of a new building and landscaping. I just don't see a Hunter St. on-street transfer area being the best choice.

    by the way, route 56 is the confederation park bus in the summer.

    First off...the new routes...the all-day Beeline is definitely a go later this year. An extended route of the Beeline, you mean?

    As far as the Route 56-Heritage Green....for one, there is a 56, but it's Con-fed Park. Problem is...it's only a summer route. Perhaps it can be renumbered to a number which isn't used (maybe like a 60)...same with the Route 9 to changed to 61 and have another route be re-numbered to the 9....

    Where is Heritage Green located?

    Lastly, the MacNabb terminal location would be much more feasible seeing as connections with Burlington Transit over on King would be better served.


    what part of mcnab would they put the terminal? near which streets?

  10. Where is the "builders plate" on a bus? well anyways, i rode 0610, 0612 today, and i sat just past the artic part, and it was a really rough ride... :P it gave me a headache!!! ;) i was on 0612 today, and the point of a hybrid bus, is not to pres the gas at a red light, well, this driver held the brake and the gas at the same time!! :P which i think isnt right... and 0612 almost rear ended 9925!! but managed to go around.. :lol: that would be sad, a new artic gone in the 1st week!! :(

  11. VERY NICE pictures and buses, as well as destination sign programming! :P

    Hope to see these on May 14th! :lol:

    Actually, 0613 was on the beeline route, and i got to ride it about 3:20!!!! nice bus, did anyone get to ride 1 yet?

  12. After all retirements have taken place, the HSR fleet will be 204 vehicles which will be 181 low floor and 23 high floor. Note that the low floor number is at 181 (not 182) due to the fact that 9718 has been written off following an engine fire.

    When did 9718 have a fire? was any one hurt? i was wondering why there was a new ad on 9704... replacing 9718's. was the fire at the garage?

    hey, does anyone have a pic of 9718 after the fire?

  13. You mean Wednesday April 4th or today Tuesday April 3rd?

    it was 2 day... did you miss it? They were there till about 12 ish.

    yes, there were 2 artics (0612, and 0614) and 1 41 footer (0604) there were 3 CH news vehicles, one was the big truck (means its live) they kept driving the busses around the block. i gott a video, and pics, but i dont have a USB for my cam, and i can only use librarys computer. if i get a usb, can i post the pics here? How can i do it? i think they are good pictures.... :)

    Did any of you come?

  14. The press conference is on Tuesday, April 4th at 10:00 AM at Hamilton City Hall. There will be one 40' and one 60' hybrid bus present for the ceremonies.

    As for entering revenue service, it might not happen until at least another week or two.


    there were 2 60 footers.. i got pics.. :)

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