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Everything posted by MetroRider14

  1. LACMTA silver luminator by MetroBusRider14, on Flickr Is this an experimental or a regular feature with these new LED Luminator headsigns?
  2. By the way guys, one of the 31LFW's is going to get a demo Silver Series sign from Twinvision, so be on the look out I'm going to try and take a look myself because I'm definitely curious/interested. Veolia Metro vehicle 3128 has the silver series sign.
  3. The 8400 runs out of Div 18, It's part of those out of number sequence metro 45-C's(8360-840?) which came out at the end of last year. Div 15 got 8300 a few weeks ago and the date of manufacture is March 2010. The last 70 metro45-C in the original sequence have a debossed Metro logo. I've also been noticing that Metro has been installing these new smartcam's in other divisions.
  4. I went by the Veolia yard and it wasn't there either. This was at Terminal 31 Metro modified the paint job, slightly more silver and less orange poppy. yup they changed the flooring. I could of sworn NABI 7000 has this type of flooring too.
  5. quite a few new improvements but the redesigned seats and the extra stop requested buttons really caught my eye.
  6. I see the Silver line as a joke, I laugh at it when I see it or ride it. I still see riders complaining at the extra fees thinking it was a regular express bus or that they used to pay this when it was the 44X. I don't know whats going on at SGV-9 because I still see 8300s on local service. On a similar note, line 902 uses those silver 8300s and I always hear people talk about how cool the buses look, I've seen some people ask if they need to pay more to ride it. SB-18 got some of those 7600s(metro bus) from sgv-9. another note-new 8200s have tint now
  7. Yeah the 4500 series have been around since 1995, I hope they are kept around longer since they run on CNG. Their are a good amount of 4700 series from GC-1 in the SFV that should last till some hybrids come in. I'd be happy if each SFV division got 50 compo's for local service. So far i think each SFV division has about 25 or so compo's with more showing up in service everyday. I've seen one New Flyer C-40LF running out of Div15, for a second I thought more would have been sent out this way.
  8. The reason why they made the left window smaller was because of that storage box behind the driver. The 8000 series buses have the same storage box just that there is an unnecessary gap between the box and the window. New modifications in the 8100 series are the repositioned Led lights and stop requested buttons
  9. I had chance to see the 4200 yesterday in Downtown. The day before that I got to ride on the 4201 on 534 route out to Santa Monica
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