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Everything posted by thisbuds4u

  1. Granted wheel trans is a senior division but it's all relative to the work you get. For instance after spare board the last crews to sign at wheel trans are compressed day shifts with Tues wed Thurs off how many years service would you need to get compressed work at any other division. Wheel Trans also comes with no splits so you get straight pieces, and majority of shifts are in the day barely any night crews. Also almost everyone is given 3 days off even on the spareboard.
  2. I started in streetcar but transferred over to wheel Trans once I was eligible, best decision I could have made. Absolutely love it. And despite what you heard you don't need 15 years for compressed work 90% of the crews are compressed, even the spare board gets extra day off majority of the time. I hear you no longer have to wait two years to put in for a transfer, highly recommend if you are at all interested to put in a bid ASAP they need people now, alot of people have retired.
  3. Thanks MCW for not letting two selfish individuals ruin a very valuable forum for newbies to learn about ttc's hiring process. I hope Lmessiah and Nokia have learned from this. I also hope they both get scheduled together for the customer service module if they haven't done it already, so they can work out their hate in person.
  4. I have to agree, from day one in streetcar I knew I wanted out of there. I put in my request for transfer the day my two years came up. I don't miss the drunks, fare evaders, bums, and crazies one bit.
  5. As a note to people interested in transferring, if you fail the transfer training you may not be sent back to the division you came from. Ttc can transfer you to another division you are trained in as they see fit. Seen it happen a few times.
  6. I cant speak for divisions I haven't worked at but roncy and wheeltrans almost always had overtime when I needed it. I think the majority of people want to live close to work especially with traffic what it is nowadays and im sure most choose to transfer to be close to home. Queensways great for people living south west, if I lived in oakville hamilton stcatherines queensway would be the only division id concider, but again to each his own.
  7. Ive talked to a few people from Malvern most said they transferred there cause its the most eastern division, hense closest to the guys who live in ajax oshawa etc etc Hahahah or they have alot of ex wives
  8. The top crew to be signed at Roncesvalles used to be a combine crew it came with Sun Fri Sat off half the day was spent sweeping out streetcars and the other half driving. Top crew at Wheeltrans comes with Sun Mon Fri Sat off working 3 days at 13.20hrs a shift from 6:30 till 19:50. Yes once you get to 30 yrs every division has amazing shifts
  9. lmao dont lie many people are eye balling your sweet sweet division
  10. http://imgur.com/DTD7wGB Based on when you started training you have approx. 1 year of seniority, which on the list I saw a few weeks ago your are still in the bottom 20. Ask Lmessiah how many he has under him at Queensway. Your absolutely correct everyone has their own preferences. There are guys with 30 years on who sign spare board, to each their own. My point is that having more options is obviously better, so being at Malvern would give far less options then you would get at say queensway where your seniority takes you alot further .
  11. It's called the retirement Centre because of how many senior operators reside there. I'm at the second most senior division wheel Trans, fortunately the worst crew at wheel Trans beats anything in your last selection. I drive all over the city and get to visit all the divisions to see where I would fit in and I'd have the least amount of people behind me at malvern. Less choice less options. What's your first two badge numbers I'm curious to see what you sign.
  12. Why would anyone in their right mind want to transfer to Malvern, worst division in entire for seniority. Even if I was a block away from that division I'd still commute some where else.
  13. That won't be a good enough excuse if you run someone over, sorry officer I was nervous.
  14. You get paid sitting time but can't remember how much that was
  15. I remember how happy I got when I signed my first crew and got off the crap board. Shitty thing is there is always going to be a crew you wish you could sign that someone infront of you signs. I remember one signup the guy at my division with second best seniority was pissed off cause the number one senority signed the crew he wanted lol. The guy is front,of you in seniority will fuck you for the next 30years
  16. At most divisions if you are on spare board or signed slip you call in the night before at 5pm to find out when your working. The only guarantee you will have is your off days. At bus and streetcar they detail work based on finish time so first on the list gets earliest time off and the work their way down the list. Sometime you may get what's called report where you come in to the division at a specific time and sit for 5 hours, they can then detail you a crew within that 5 hours. If nothing comes up in that 5 hours you can go home and get paid for 8. Nothing worse though then sitting for 4 and getting detailed and 8 hour crew. For obvious reasons spare board is usually the last to be signed, you can expect to be on spare board for a few months until you have enough senority to sign your own crew.
  17. For you streetcar guys out there remember anytime you take a switch it is the same as getting in an accident, they will tell you the potential of killing someone is huge. Remember going off route and taking a switch are two different things, going off route means you were aware of where you were going as opposed to taking a switch which means you went the opposite of where you thought you were going. Obviously in the eyes of ttc off route is not nearly as bad as taking a switch. There are crews that you do dundas 505 in the morning and king 504 in the afternoon, both go to dundas west and Broadview station but use different platforms, very easy to go to wrong platform.
  18. Bus on bus is no-no number one, the reason is with bus on bus ttc is 100% at fault, an accident with a civilian car has the chance of being a nonpreventible. If you make contact with another bus you can almost guarantee you will be relieved of duties for a few days. Word to the wise if you make contact in the yard and there's no damage or witnesses assess the situation before calling it in because they will consider it the same as tboning someone.
  19. Crazy I'm a low 68 badge seems thyve hired a shitload since I started
  20. Are they into 72000 badge numbers yet?
  21. Any new guys get their badge numbers yet, just curious what number they are up to.
  22. What mutual fund offers 10% per year, you musta dreamed that one up
  23. http://m.torontosun.com/2012/06/21/ttc-investigates-streetcar-driver-applying-make-up There's no set amount of accidents its case by case. I've seen guys fired for cell phones use too. One guy had his face resting in his hand while operating a streetcar, a customer called it in as him talking on his cell. He was pulled off the road and fired, he actually had to bring his phone records to prove his innocence. Guilty till proven innocent in ttc
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