Mountain Metropolitan Transit 1676-1684
Mountain Metropolitan Transit 1676-1684 were 1991 Gillig Phantom 35' (3596TB6V92T) buses. They featured wheelchair lifts in the rear doors. At least 2 units were originally Diesel/CNG dual-fuel and were powered with Detroit Diesel 6V92TA PING engines when ordered. Not long after arrival, they were converted to diesel only. After the name change in 2005, some units were repainted into the new livery. They were replaced by 0601-0612 in 2006.
Engine | Transmission | Seating | Destination sign |
Detroit Diesel 6V92TA | Allison HTB-748 | 35 |
Fleet Number |
Thumbnail | Build Date |
VIN | License Plate(s) | Status/Disposal | Notes |
1676 | 1991 | 15GCB0911M1083918 | 542A14 |
1677 | 1991 | 15GCB0913M1083919 | 280A14 |
1678 | 1991 | 15GCB091XM1083920 | 543A14 |
1679 | 1991 | 15GCB0911M1083921 | 284A14 |
1680 | 1991 | 15GCB0913M1083922 | 283A14 | Retired circa 2005-2006. | ||
1681 | 1991 | 15GCB0916M1084014 | 529A14 | Retired circa 2005-2006. | ||
1682 | 1991 | 15GCB0918M1084015 | 528A14 |
1683 | 1991 | 15GCB091XM1084016 | 282A14 | Retired circa 2005-2006. | ||
1684 | 1991 | 15GCB0911M1084017 | 545A14 |
1684 & 1672 image |