York Region Transit Bus Stops 5000-5999

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Number Street Cross-street Direction Routes served Notes
5000 Kennedy Road Austin Drive North 8, 304, 522
5001 Kennedy Road Carlton Road North 8, 304
5002 Kennedy Road The Bridle Trail North 8, 304
5003 Kennedy Road Birchview Lane North 8, 304
5004 Kennedy Road 16th Avenue North 8, 304
5005 Kennedy Road Bur Oak Avenue North 8, 304
5006 Prospector's Drive Angus Glen Boulevard South Inactive
5007 Leslie Street Birchwood Drive North 57
5008 404 Town Centre East 55, 56, 57
5009 404 Town Centre Shoppers Drug Mart North Inactive
5010 Bayview Avenue Carberry Street North 54
5011 Bayview Avenue Carberry Street South 54
5012 Stonehaven Avenue Best Circle East 427
5013 Stonehaven Avenue Best Circle East 427
5014 Stonehaven Avenue Lockwood Circle East 427
5015 Stonehaven Avenue Lockwood Circle East 427
5016 Stonehaven Avenue Leslie Street East 427
5017 Mulock Drive Yonge Street (farside) East 57, 420
5018 Eagle Street Donlin Avenue West 56
5019 Eagle Street William Street East 56
5020 Inactive
5021 Newmarket Price Choppers North Inactive
5022 Davis Drive Yonge Street East 50, 55, 98, 98/99
5023 Elgin Street Bayview Parkway (farside) East 55
5024 Leslie Street Davis Drive South 50
5025 Bayview Avenue Ballymore Drive South 54, 427
5026 Bayview Avenue Hollandview Trail South 54
5027 Bayview Avenue Ballymore Drive North 54, 427
5028 Fairy Lake Gardens East Inactive
5029 Inactive
5030 Patterson Street Davis Drive South Inactive
5031 16th Avenue East 16, 85
5032 16th Avenue Mural Street East 16
5033 16th Avenue Bayview Avenue West 16, 85 Replaced stop 3022
5034 Rutherford Road Dufferin Street West 85
5035 Rutherford Road Canada's Wonderland West 21, 85, 466
5036 Weston Road Davos Road (farside) South 21, 165, 165F
5037 Weston Road Hawkview Boulevard South 21, 165, 165F
5038 Shaftsbury Avenue Painted Rock Avenue West 83, 440, 443, 447, 450 St. Theresa of Lisieux C.H.S.
5039 East Wilmot Street West Inactive
5040 East Wilmot Street Leslie Street West Inactive
5041 East Pearce Street Leslie Street (farside) East Inactive
5042 East Pearce Street East Inactive
5043 East Pearce Street East Beaver Creek Road East Inactive
5044 Islington Avenue South 13, 85, 461
5045 Major Mackenzie Drive East Old Markham Road East 4, 25
5046 Major Mackenzie Drive East Spadina Road East 4, 25
5047 Major Mackenzie Drive East Boake Trail East 4, 25
5048 Major Mackenzie Drive East Forestwood Street East 4, 25
5049 Major Mackenzie Drive East Leslie Street East 4, 25
5050 Major Mackenzie Drive East Markland Street East 4, 25, 449
5051 Major Mackenzie Drive East Ralph Chalmers Avenue (farside) West 25
5052 Major Mackenzie Drive East East 25, 68B
5053 Silver Linden Drive Iron Horse Avenue North 444
5054 Red Maple Road High Tech Road (farside) South 1, 86, 444
5055 Yonge Street Patricia Avenue North 2, 5, 23, 77, 88, 91, 91A, 99, 98/99, 760
5056 Inactive
5057 Main Street North Penn Avenue North 54, 425, 430
5058 Main Street North Bexhill Road North 54, 425, 430
5059 Main Street North Deviation Road North 54, 425, 430
5060 Main Street North London Road North 54, 425, 430
5061 Main Street North Bristol Road North 54, 425
5062 2nd Concession Road Valley Trail North Inactive
5063 2nd Concession Road North Inactive
5064 Mount Albert Road 2nd Concession Road (farside) West Inactive
5065 Holland River Boulevard Hilltop Drive South 425
5066 Hilltop Drive Summit Circle East 425
5067 Grist Mill Road Hilltop Drive (farside) North 425
5068 Grist Mill Road Stegman Road North 425
5069 Mount Albert Road 2nd Concession Road East 425
5070 2nd Concession Road South Inactive
5071 2nd Concession Road Valley Trail South Inactive
5072 Main Street North Bristol Road South 54, 425
5073 Main Street North Penn Avenue South 54, 425, 430
5074 Desjardins Way North 33
5075 Wellington Street Leslie Street (farside) West 33
5076 Wellington Street Mavrinac Road West 33
5077 Wellington Street Conover Avenue West 33, 432
5078 Wellington Street Bayview Avenue West 33, 432
5079 McDonald Drive Haida Drive East 33
5080 Wellington Street Conover Avenue (farside) East 33
5081 Wellington Street Stronach Boulevard East 33
5082 Wellington Street Leslie Street East Inactive
5083 Stouffville SmartCentre Wal-Mart South 9
5084 Hoover Park Drive Highway 48 West 9 Previously located at Hoover Park Drive and Highway 48
5085 Highway 48 Main Street North Inactive Replaced by stop 5084
5086 Main Street Ringwood Drive East 9
5087 Inactive
5088 Ninth Line Hoover Park Drive South 9, 417
5089 Ninth Line South 9, 417
5090 Ninth Line North 9, 417
5091 Crosby Avenue Newkirk Avenue (farside) West 83A
5092 Yonge Street Davis Drive South 98, 98/99
5093 Yonge Street Silver Maple Road South 98, 98/99
5094 Yonge Street South 81, 83, 98, 98/99
5095 Church Street Country Glen Road East 1, 16, 303, 401, 406, 416, 417
5096 Bur Oak Avenue Rainbow Valley Crescent West 18, 303, 402
5097 Bur Oak Avenue Chancery Road East 18, 303, 402
5098 Bur Oak Avenue Hammersly Boulevard West 18, 304, 402
5099 Bur Oak Avenue Hammersly Boulevard East 18, 304, 402


Number Street Cross-street Direction Routes served Notes
5100 Inactive
5101 Inactive
5102 Inactive
5103 Woodbine Avenue Calvert Road North 24
5104 Spadina Road Clarendon Drive North 82, 445, 448
5105 Farmstead Road Indigo Street East 448
5106 Cassata Avenue Frank Endean Road East 82, 448
5107 19th Avenue Delisle Street West 447
5108 Inactive
5109 Jane Street Doughton Road South 20
5110 Portage Parkway Jane Street (farside) West Inactive
5111 Warden Avenue 16th Avenue North 68B
5112 Baycliffe Road Warden Avenue East 302
5113 Apple Creek Boulevard Warden Avenue East 410
5114 Warden Avenue South 40, 68B, 302, 405
5115 Highway 27 Nickle Gate North 7
5116 Highway 27 Sanremo Court North Inactive
5117 Highway 27 Martin Grove Road North Inactive
5118 Finch Avenue Highway 27 East 7
5119 Humber College Boulevard Highway 27 (farside) West Inactive
5120 Warden Avenue 16th Avenue South 68B
5121 Valleywood Drive West 24
5122 Victoria Park Avenue Steelcase Road South 24
5123 Woodbine Avenue North 24, 40
5124 Bur Oak Avenue Fred McLaren Boulevard West 18, 304, 402 Replaced stop 1379
5125 Bur Oak Avenue Fred McLaren Boulevard East 18, 304, 402 Replaced stop 1372
5126 Bur Oak Avenue Fred McLaren Boulevard West 18, 304, 402 Replaced stop 1387
5127 Bur Oak Avenue Country Ridge Drive East 18, 304, 402 Replaced stop 1364
5128 Inactive
5129 John Street Chestnut Gate West 2, 413
5130 Bathurst Street Hearthside Avenue North 88
5131 Bathurst Street Tower Hill Road North 88
5132 McCowan Road Southdale Drive North 129A, 301, 404
5133 Wooten Way Parkway Avenue North 406, 410
5134 Parkway Avenue Sir Galahad Place East 301
5135 Parkway Avenue East 301
5136 Parkway Avenue Wooten Way East 301
5137 Raymerville Drive Hickory Drive (farside) West 301, 403, 410
5138 Raymerville Drive Black Cherry Drive West 301, 403, 410
5139 Raymerville Drive Beck Drive West 301, 403, 410
5140 Raymerville Drive Cairns Drive West 301, 403, 410
5141 Raymerville Drive West 301, 403, 410
5142 Raymerville Drive McCowan Road West 301, 403, 410
5143 Clegg Road Warden Avenue (farside) West 302
5144 Inactive
5145 Inactive
5146 Inactive
5147 Bathurst Street Augustine Avenue South 88, 433
5148 Bathurst Street Kingshill Road South 88
5149 Bathurst Street Hearthside Avenue South 88
5150 Gamble Road Lacewood Drive East Inactive
5151 Inactive
5152 Prospector's Drive Woodgrove Trail South Inactive
5153 Basaltic Road Moyal Court North 107B
5154 Vista Gate Keele Street (farside) East 96
5155 Keele Street South 96, 107
5156 Keele Street South 96, 107
5157 Summeridge Drive Treecrest Drive East 23
5158 Redstone Road Alvarado Avenue South 82, 83A
5159 Redstone Road Elgin Mills Road East North 83A
5160 Redstone Road Primont Drive South 82, 83A
5161 Redstone Road Maraca Drive North 83A
5162 Redstone Road Toporowski Avenue North 83A
5163 Gamble Road Lacewood Drive West 450
5164 Bathurst Street North 88, 436
5165 Dufferin Street Caraway Drive South 105
5166 Dufferin Street Maison Parc Court North 105
5167 Dufferin Street Caraway Drive North 105
5168 Summeridge Drive Couture Gardens West 23
5169 Summeridge Drive Pleasant Ridge Avenue West 23
5170 The Queensway South Hollywood Drive North 50, 424
5171 The Queensway South Glenwoods Avenue North 50, 424
5172 The Queensway South Dovedale Drive North 50, 424
5173 The Queensway South Richmond Park Drive North 50
5174 Metro Road North Old Homestead Road North 50
5175 Metro Road North Nida Drive (farside) South 50
5176 Woodbine Avenue Dunnville Road South Inactive
5177 Woodbine Avenue Wexford Drive South Inactive
5178 The Queensway South Metro Road South (farside) South 50, 424
5179 Upper Canada Mall Old Navy West 520, 521
5180 The Queensway South Wynhurst Road (farside) South 50, 424
5181 The Queensway South Bayview Avenue (farside) South 50, 424
5182 The Queensway South Pine Beach Drive South 50, 424
5183 The Queensway Irene Drive South 50, 424
5184 London Road Harewood Boulevard East 423, 430
5185 Mount Albert Road East Inactive
5186 Leslie Street Wayne Drive South 50, 55
5187 Highway 27 Royalpark Way North 7, 461
5188 Main Street Cemetery Lane East 9
5189 John Street Nolan Court East 2
5190 Leslie Street 16th Avenue North 90
5191 Hilda Avenue Jonathan Gate South 23
5192 Hilda Avenue Jonathan Gate North 23
5193 Bloomington Road Bloomfield Trail East 434, 436
5194 Worthington Avenue Wood Rim Drive East 91B
5195 Sunset Beach Road Yonge Street West 84, 429
5196 Inactive
5197 Inactive
5198 White's Hill Avenue Walkerville Road West 417
5199 Bur Oak Avenue Nuthatch Lane North 16, 18, 303


Number Street Cross-street Direction Routes served Notes
5200 Highway 48 Edward Jeffreys Avenue South 102D
5201 Highway 48 Edward Jeffreys Avenue North 102D
5202 Jane Street North 20
5203 Keele Street Peak Point Boulevard North 96
5204 Keele Street Peak Point Boulevard South 96
5205 Loblaws Markham West 522
5206 White's Hill Avenue Walkerville Road East Inactive
5207 Birchmount Road Steeles Avenue East (farside) North 17A
5208 Birchmount Road Harvest Moon Drive North 17A
5209 Birchmount Road Highgate Drive North 17A
5210 Birchmount Road Bibury Gate North 17A
5211 Birchmount Road Denison Street North 17A
5212 Birchmount Road Micro Court North 17A
5213 McNabb Street West Inactive
5214 Gough Road McNabb Street (farside) North Inactive
5215 Gough Road North Inactive
5216 Gough Road 14th Avenue North Inactive
5217 Crown Steel Drive Royal Crest Court North Inactive
5218 Royal Crest Court East Inactive
5219 Royal Crest Court Birchmount Road East Inactive
5220 Birchmount Road 14th Avenue (farside) South 17A
5221 Birchmount Road McNabb Street South 17A
5222 Birchmount Road McNabb Street (farside) South 17A
5223 Birchmount Road Denison Street South 17A
5224 Birchmount Road Ferguson Gate South 17A
5225 Birchmount Road Risebrough Circuit South 17A
5226 Birchmount Road Risebrough Circuit South 17A
5227 Birchmount Road Steeles Avenue East South 17A
5228 Industrial Parkway Mary Street North Inactive
5229 Industrial Parkway Wellington Street North Inactive
5230 Water Street Apartments South 522
5231 Bathurst Street Augustine Drive North 88, 433
5232 Humberland Drive Crowling Court East Inactive
5233 Inactive
5234 Bayview Avenue Whitelaw Court South 91, 91A
5235 Bayview Avenue Fairfield Place North 91, 91A
5236 Bathurst Street Stockdale Crescent North 88
5237 Bathurst Street McClellan Way North 429, 434
5238 Inactive
5239 McMaster Avenue Hollandview Trail North Inactive
5240 Leslie Street Mulock Drive North Inactive
5241 Stonehaven Avenue Dillman Avenue West 427
5242 Inactive
5243 Inactive
5244 Pedersen Drive Kirkvalley Crescent (farside) West 426
5245 Industrial Parkway Wellington Street South Inactive
5246 14th Avenue Kennedy Road (farside) West 14, 522 Previously located at Hagerman's Corner
5247 Markville Mall Entrance 7 North Inactive
5248 Inactive
5249 Allaura Boulevard East 32, 434
5250 Allaura Boulevard Edward Street North 32, 434
5251 Edward Street Yonge Street West 32, 434
5252 Murray Drive Yonge Street East 32, 434
5253 Industrial Parkway West Inactive
5254 Wellington Street Wells Street East 32, 33, 54, 432, 434
5255 Green Lane Centre Costco West Inactive
5256 Green Lane Centre Michaels East Inactive
5257 Upper Canada Mall The Bay North 52
5258 Bathurst Street South 88
5259 Bathurst Street Puccini Drive South 88
5260 Major Mackenzie Drive West McNaughton Road West 4
5261 Major Mackenzie Drive West Peter Rupert Avenue East 4
5262 Major Mackenzie Drive West Grand Trunk Avenue East 4, 105
5263 Rutherford Road Vellore Woods Boulevard (farside) West 21, 85, 466
5264 Rutherford Road Vellore Woods Bouelvard East 21, 85, 466
5265 Martin Grove Road Finch Avenue West (farside) North 7
5266 Martin Grove Road Albion Road North 7
5267 Martin Grove Road Garfella Drive North 7
5268 Martin Grove Road Silverstone Drive North 7
5269 Martin Grove Road Gihon Spring Drive North 7
5270 Martin Grove Road Cabernet Circle South 7
5271 Steeles Avenue West Loop East Inactive
5272 Keele Street Steeles Avenue West (farside) South Inactive
5273 Keele Street Steeles Avenue West North Inactive
5274 Markham Road Steeles Avenue East (farside) South 102D
5275 Markham Road Steeles Avenue East North 102D
5276 Inactive
5277 Highway 27 Rutherford Road North 7
5278 Inactive
5279 Forestwood Street Libra Avenue North Inactive
5280 St. Robert C.H.S. North 82, 445
5281 Weston Road North 165, 165F
5282 Weston Road South 165
5283 Legacy Drive Lady Fern Drive North 2, 14
5284 Legacy Drive Lady Fern Drive South 2, 14
5285 Participation House West 522
5286 Bur Oak Avenue White's Hill Avenue South 18, 303
5287 Major Mackenzie Drive East The Bridle Walk East 25
5288 Major Mackenzie Drive East The Bridle Walk West 25
5289 404 Town Centre Zellers North Inactive
5290 Redstone Road Toporowski Avenue South 82, 83A
5291 Redstone Road Princeton Avenue South 82, 83A
5292 Silver Linden Drive Grasslands Avenue South 444
5293 Earl Stewart Drive Bridgenorth Drive West 432, 437
5294 Medallion Boulevard Gates Road East 460
5295 Coronation Street Forest Drive North 460
5296 Ninth Line North 1, 9, 14, 401, 411, 416
5297 Ninth Line South 9, 14, 401, 411, 416
5298 Fincham Avenue Noel Street North 301, 410
5299 Red Maple Road South 1, 86, 444


Number Street Cross-street Direction Routes served Notes
5300 Timothy Street East Inactive
5301 Inactive
5302 Inactive
5303 Sawmill Valley Drive Society Crescent South Inactive
5304 Baif Boulevard Apartments West Inactive
5305 Yorkland Street Squire Drive South 81, 86, 448
5306 Winners Newmarket South Inactive
5307 Grace Street East Inactive
5308 No Frills Newmarket North Inactive
5309 Nashville Road Highway 27 West 468
5310 Rutherford Road Ilan Ramon Boulevard East 85
5311 Rutherford Road Ilan Ramon Boulevard West 85
5312 Clark Avenue West 5, 77 St. Elizabeth C.H.S.
5313 Clark Avenue East 5, 77 St. Elizabeth C.H.S.
5314 Yonge Street Steeles Avenue West (farside) South 2, 5, 23, 77, 88, 91, 91A, 99, 98/99, 760 Drop-off only
5315 Yonge Street Abitibi Avenue South 2, 5, 23, 77, 88, 91, 91A, 99, 98/99, 760 Drop-off only
5316 Yonge Street Moore Park Avenue South 2, 5, 23, 77, 88, 91, 91A, 99, 98/99, 760 Drop-off only
5317 Yonge Street Connaught Avenue South 2, 5, 23, 77, 88, 91, 91A, 99, 98/99, 760 Drop-off only
5318 Yonge Street Drewry Avenue South 2, 5, 23, 77, 88, 91, 91A, 99, 98/99, 760 Drop-off only
5319 Marshall Street Observatory Towers North Inactive
5320 Inactive
5321 Pugsley Avenue Rosetown Apartments East Inactive
5322 McConaghy Centre West Inactive
5323 Inactive
5324 Main Street Unionville Highway 7 South 522
5325 Inactive
5326 Church Street Russell Stover Court (farside) West 522
5327 Garfield Wright Boulevard West Inactive
5328 Joe Dales Drive Laurendale Avenue East 424
5329 Dunning Avenue Cameron Avenue (farside) East 32, 426 Dr. G.W. Williams S.S.
5330 Willowbrook Road Bayview Avenue (farside) East 3 Thornlea S.S.
5331 Green Lane Huntington Park Drive (farside) South 3
5332 Promenade Terminal Platform 3 23
5333 Southlake Regional Health Centre South Inactive
5334 Newmarket Health Centre East 520, 521
5335 Inactive
5336 West Promenade New Westminster Drive West 3, 77, 160
5337 Thornhill Community Centre West 3
5338 Inactive
5339 Senior's Meeting Place Inactive
5340 Metro Newmarket North Inactive
5341 Alex Doner Drive Crossland Gate (farside) West 57, 420
5342 Inactive
5343 Larratt Lane Canyon Hill Avenue South 446
5344 Canyon Hill Avenue Larratt Lane West Inactive
5345 Larratt Lane North Inactive
5346 Larratt Lane Shaftsbury Avenue North Inactive
5347 Forestwood Street Gemini Crescent North Inactive
5348 Farmstead Road Shirley Drive West Inactive
5349 Pearson Avenue North 83, 443 Langstaff S.S.
5350 Pearson Avenue South 83, 443, 444 Langstaff S.S.
5351 John West Way Municipal Drive South 426, 437
5352 Dovedale Drive East Inactive
5353 Dovedale Drive Lowndes Avenue East Inactive
5354 The Queensway South Crestview Drive South 50, 424
5355 Leslie Street Queensville Sideroad (farside) South 50
5356 Leslie Street Milne Lane South 50
5357 Leslie Street Mount Albert Road South 50
5358 Leslie Street Milne Lane (farside) North 50
5359 Leslie Street Queensville Sideroad North 50
5360 The Queensway South Ravenshoe Road North 50
5361 Biscayne Boulevard Hodgins Avenue East 424
5362 Biscayne Boulevard Oakmeadow Boulevard East 424
5363 Biscayne Boulevard Roselm Avenue East 424
5364 Biscayne Boulevard Woodbine Avenue East 424
5365 Woodbine Avenue Riverglen Drive North 424
5366 Woodbine Avenue Arlington Drive North 424
5367 Woodbine Avenue Pollock Road North 424
5368 Wexford Drive Woodbine Avenue (farside) West 424
5369 Wexford Drive Ladyburn Drive West 424
5370 Natanya Boulevard Verona Crescent North 424
5371 Natanya Boulevard Church Street North Inactive
5372 Church Street West Inactive
5373 Church Street Circle Ridge Drive West Inactive
5374 Inactive
5375 Inactive
5376 Metro Road North Woodbine Avenue East 50
5377 Inactive
5378 Inactive
5379 Inactive
5380 Inactive
5381 Inactive
5382 Metro Road North Dalton Road East 50
5383 Inactive
5384 Dalton Road Grew Boulevard North 50
5385 Inactive
5386 Inactive
5387 Inactive
5388 High Street Middle Street (farside) South 50
5389 High Street Burke Street South 50
5390 Highway 48 Park Road East Inactive
5391 Highway 48 Virginia Boulevard East Inactive
5392 Highway 48 Woodfield Drive East Inactive
5393 Highway 48 Holmes Point Road East Inactive
5394 Inactive
5395 Inactive
5396 Highway 48 Holmes Point Road West Inactive
5397 Highway 48 Woodfield Drive West Inactive
5398 Highway 48 Virginia Boulevard West
5399 Highway 48 Park Road (farside) West


Number Street Cross-street Direction Routes served Notes
5400 High Street East Street North Inactive
5401 High Street Middle Street North 50
5402 Inactive
5403 Inactive
5404 Dalton Road Wood River Bend South 50
5405 Inactive
5406 Inactive
5407 Metro Road North Dalton Road (farside) West 50
5408 Inactive
5409 Inactive
5410 Inactive
5411 Inactive
5412 Inactive
5413 Metro Road North Woodbine Avenue West 50
5414 Inactive
5415 Inactive
5416 Metro Road North Ferncroft Drive South 50
5417 Metro Road North Old Homestead Road South 50
5418 The Queensway South Glenwoods Avenue South 50, 424
5419 Dorchester Street London Road South 44, 423, 430
5420 London Road Harewood Boulevard West 44, 423, 430
5421 London Road Yorkshire Drive West 44, 423, 430
5422 London Road Osmond Crescent West 44, 423, 430
5423 Harrison Drive Cherrywood Drive South 44, 423
5424 Harrison Drive Newbury Drive South 44, 423
5425 Ninth Line Harold Av North 9
5426 Ninth Line Millard Street North Inactive
5427 Millard Street Edward Street (farside) East 415, 417
5428 Millard Street Ironwood Crescent East 415, 417
5429 Millard Street Opal Court East 415, 417
5430 Millard Street Hemlock Drive East 415, 417
5431 Hemlock Drive Debborah Place (farside) East 415
5432 Hemlock Drive Hazelnut Place East 415
5433 Tenth Line North Street South 415
5434 Tenth Line Aintree Drive North 415
5435 Tenth Line Katherine Crescent South 9
5436 Tenth Line Hoover Park Drive South 9
5437 Hoover Park Drive Kribs Drive West 9, 415
5438 Hoover Park Drive Thicketwood Boulevard East 415, 417 Originally stop 5454 - number now used for stop on opposite corner
5439 Reeves Way Boulevard Hoover Park Drive (farside) South 415
5440 Reeves Way Boulevard Richard Underhill Avenue South 415
5441 Reeves Way Boulevard Joseph Todd Avenue South 415
5442 Reeves Way Boulevard Hiram Johnson Road West 415
5443 Reeves Way Boulevard Ninth Line West 415
5444 Hoover Park Drive Weldon Road (farside) West 9, 415, 417 Stouffville District S.S.
5445 Hoover Park Drive Mostar Street West 9, 417
5446 Hoover Park Drive Sandiford Drive West 9, 417
5447 Inactive
5448 Inactive
5449 Hoover Park Drive Dorcas Gate East 415, 417 Stouffville District S.S.
5450 Reeves Way Boulevard William Stark Road (farside) East 415, 417
5451 Reeves Way Boulevard Joseph Todd Avenue East 415, 417
5452 Reeves Way Boulevard Hoover Park Drive North 415, 417
5453 Reeves Way Boulevard Richard Underhill Avenue North 415, 417
5454 Hoover Park Drive Thicketwood Boulevard (farside) West 9, 415 Originally stop 5438 - number now used for stop on opposite corner
5455 Hoover Park Drive Kribs Drive East 415, 417
5456 Hoover Park Drive Jacob Way East 415, 417
5457 Ninth Line 19th Avenue North 9, 417
5458 Tower Hill Road Goldlist Drive West 450
5459 Tower Hill Road Selwyn Road East 81, 450
5460 Selwyn Road Hearthside Avenue South 81, 450
5461 Selwyn Road Crossroads Drive South 81, 450
5462 Selwyn Road Gamble Road South 81, 450
5463 Selwyn Road Gamble Road (farside) North 81, 442, 450
5464 Selwyn Road Platinum Avenue North 81, 442, 450
5465 Selwyn Road Alpaca Avenue North 81, 442, 450
5466 Tower Hill Road Selwyn Road (farside) East 450
5467 Tower Hill Road Skywood Drive East 450
5468 Bathurst Street Jefferson Sideroad North 81, 88, 450
5469 Bathurst Street King Vaughan Road South 88
5470 Kingshill Road Augustine Avenue South 433
5471 Kingshill Road Selleck Drive South 433
5472 Kingshill Road Holtby Street West 433
5473 Kingshill Road Brockdale Street West 433
5474 Kingshill Road Rowley Street East 433
5475 Kingshill Road Holtby Street East 433
5476 Kingshill Road Selleck Drive North 433
5477 Kingshill Road Poulias Avenue North 433
5478 Larratt Lane Red Rock Drive South 446
5479 Box Grove Bypass Copper Creek Drive South 9, 401
5480 Box Grove Bypass Copper Creek Drive (farside) North 1, 9, 401, 411, 416
5481 Box Grove Bypass Rizal Avenue South 9, 14, 305, 401
5482 14th Avenue Riverwalk Drive East 14, 401
5483 Riverwalk Drive Box Grove Bypass South 401, 411
5484 Box Grove Bypass 14th Avenue North 401, 411
5485 Box Grove Bypass Rizal Avenue North 9, 14, 401, 411, 416
5486 White's Hill Avenue Bittersweet Street East 401, 402, 406
5487 White's Hill Avenue Cornwall Drive East 401, 402, 406
5488 Cornell Centre Boulevard 16th Avenue North 25, 401, 402
5489 16th Avenue Bur Oak Avenue West 401, 402
5490 16th Avenue Cornell Centre Boulevard East 401, 402
5491 White's Hill Avenue Cornwall Drive West 401, 402
5492 White's Hill Avenue Bittersweet Street West 401, 402
5493 Woodbine Avenue Stony Hill Boulevard North Inactive
5494 Stony Hill Boulevard Hazelton Avenue East 24, 418, 452
5495 Hazelton Avenue Vine Cliff Boulevard South 24, 418, 452
5496 York Mills Road Yonge Street West Inactive
5497 Leslie Street South 50
5498 Leslie Street North 50
5499 Leslie Street Balmoral Heights North 50


Number Street Cross-street Direction Routes served Notes
5500 Leslie Street Balmoral Heights South 50
5501 Inactive
5502 Inactive
5503 Inactive
5504 Inactive
5505 Inactive
5506 Inactive
5507 Inactive
5508 Inactive
5509 Inactive
5510 Inactive
5511 Inactive
5512 Inactive
5513 Pefferlaw Road Griffith Avenue West Inactive
5514 Inactive
5515 Pefferlaw Road Pineview Court West Inactive
5516 Inactive
5517 Inactive
5518 Pefferlaw Road Halmar Park Road South Inactive
5519 Inactive
5520 Pefferlaw Road Pineview Court East Inactive
5521 Inactive
5522 Pefferlaw Road Griffith Avenue East Inactive
5523 Main Street Markham North Robinson Street (farside) South 102D, 522
5524 Crowder Boulevard West Inactive
5525 Upper Canada Mall Roadway West 52
5526 Upper Canada Mall Roadway East 52
5527 Lakeridge Road Highway 48 (farside) North Inactive
5528 Inactive
5529 Lakeridge Road North Inactive
5530 Lakeridge Road Clovelly Cove North Inactive
5531 Lakeridge Road South Inactive
5532 Inactive
5533 Lakeridge Road Highway 48 South Inactive
5534 Inactive
5535 Inactive
5536 Raymerville Drive Tailor Street (farside) East 410
5537 Raymerville Drive Quarry Stone Drive East 410
5538 Raymerville Drive Cobbler Crescent South 410
5539 Raymerville Drive Sanderling Drive South 410
5540 Raymerville Drive Snider Drive South 410
5541 Raymerville Drive Bendamere Crescent West Inactive
5542 Raymerville Drive Cairns Drive West Inactive
5543 Raymerville Drive Adrian Crescent West Inactive
5544 Raymerville Drive McCowan Road West Inactive
5545 John West Way Civic Square Gate North 426, 432, 437
5546 John West Way Hollandview Trail South 426, 437
5547 Wellington Street East Bayview Avenue (farside) West 32, 33, 54, 432, 434
5548 Dunning Avenue Cameron Avenue West Inactive Dr. G.W. Williams H.S.
5549 Mulock Drive Willowick Drive East 57, 420, 423, 427
5550 Rouge Bank Drive Ninth Line East 2, 14, 401, 411
5551 Inactive
5552 Inactive
5553 Inactive
5554 Inactive
5555 Inactive
5556 Inactive
5557 Inactive
5558 Inactive
5559 Inactive
5560 Inactive
5561 Inactive
5562 Inactive
5563 Inactive
5564 Inactive
5565 Inactive
5566 Inactive
5567 Inactive
5568 Inactive
5569 Inactive
5570 Inactive
5571 Inactive
5572 Inactive
5573 Inactive
5574 Inactive
5575 Inactive
5576 Inactive
5577 Inactive
5578 Inactive
5579 Inactive
5580 Inactive
5581 Inactive
5582 Inactive
5583 Inactive
5584 Inactive
5585 Inactive
5586 Inactive
5587 Inactive
5588 Pugsley Avenue Dunsmore Crescent North Inactive
5589 Pugsley Avenue Roseview Avenue South Inactive
5590 Church Street Wooten Way West 406, 411, 416, 522
5591 Pine Valley Drive Galcat Drive North 12
5592 Pine Valley Drive Galcat Drive South 12
5593 Edilcan Drive Saramia Crescent East Inactive
5594 Edilcan Drive Saramia Crescent West Inactive
5595 Edilcan Drive Creditstone Road East Inactive
5596 Creditstone Road Edilcan Drive South Inactive
5597 Creditstone Road North Inactive
5598 Creditstone Road South Inactive
5599 Creditstone Road North Inactive


Number Street Cross-street Direction Routes served Notes
5600 Creditstone Road South Inactive
5601 Locke Street Creditstone Road (farside) West 26
5602 Locke Street Creditstone Road East 26
5603 Locke Street West 26
5604 Locke Street East 26
5605 Locke Street Jane Street West Inactive
5606 Locke Street Caldari Road East Inactive
5607 Leslie Street Desjardins Way North 33, 437
5608 Desjardins Way First Commerce Drive East 33
5609 First Commerce Drive Desjardins Way South 33
5610 First Commerce Drive South 33
5611 First Commerce Drive Wellington Street East South 33
5612 Wellington Street East Leslie Street West 33
5613 Pinnacle Trail Rush Road South Inactive
5614 Pinnacle Trail Pinnacle Trail West Inactive
5615 Elgin Street Patterson Street West 55
5616 Bathurst Street Tower Hill Drive South 88
5617 Bathurst Street Jefferson Sideroad South 88
5618 Box Grove Bypass Oakborough Road South 9, 14, 305, 401
5619 Box Grove Bypass Oakborough Drive North 9, 14, 401, 406, 416
5620 Inactive
5621 Highway 7 Ninth Line West Inactive
5622 Highway 7 Stoney Stanton Road East 1, 2, 18, 25, 401, 402, 411
5623 Highway 7 Stoney Stanton Road West Inactive
5624 Bur Oak Avenue Highway 7 (farside) North 1, 18, 402, 411, 416
5625 Bur Oak Avenue Highway 7 South 18, 416
5626 Church Street Bur Oak Avenue East 1, 16, 303, 401, 406, 416, 417, 522
5627 Church Street Bur Oak Avenue (farside) West 1, 303, 401, 402, 406, 411, 416
5628 Church Street Country Glen Road West 1, 303, 401, 402, 406, 411, 416
5629 Inactive
5630 Inactive
5631 16th Avenue Country Glen Road West 16, 401
5632 Inactive
5633 Hoover Park Drive Park Drive West 9
5634 Hoover Park Drive Cabin Trail Crescent West 9
5635 Hoover Park Drive Cabin Trail Crescent West 9
5636 Hoover Park Drive Greenhouse Lane West 9
5637 Hoover Park Drive Ninth Line West 9
5638 Sam's Way Highway 48 West 9
5639 Highway 48 Hoover Park Drive North 9
5640 Ninth Line Reeves Way Boulevard North 9, 417
5641 Ninth Line Reeves Way Boulevard South 9, 417
5642 Ninth Line Hoover Park Drive North 9
5643 Canyon Hill Avenue Shaftsbury Avenue East Inactive
5644 Larratt Lane Canyon Creek Avenue South 446
5645 16th Avenue Williamson Road West 16, 401
5646 Major Mackenzie Drive East Stonebridge Drive East 25, 129A
5647 Major Mackenzie Drive East Stonebridge Drive West 25, 129A
5648 Markham Road North 102D, 305
5649 Steelcase Road Idema Road West Inactive
5650 Steelcase Road Woodbine Avenue West Inactive
5651 Anderson Avenue Highway 48 West Inactive
5652 Inactive
5653 Kingshill Road Newbridge Avenue North 433
5654 Green Lane Leslie Street (farside) East 425
5655 Bathurst Street Bloomington Road (farside) North 429, 434
5656 Gamble Road Rothbury Road West 81, 442
5657 Gamble Road Harvest Court West 81, 442
5658 Gamble Road Selwyn Road West 81, 442
5659 Tower Hill Road West 81
5660 Jefferson Sideroad Selwyn Road East 81
5661 Jefferson Sideroad Alpaca Drive East 81
5662 Jefferson Sideroad Beech Avenue East 81
5663 Jefferson Sideroad Silver Maple Road (farside) West 81
5664 Silver Maple Road Sherrick Drive North Inactive
5665 Silver Maple Road Pexton Avenue North Inactive Renumbered to stop 6702
5666 Silver Maple Road Winrow Street East Inactive
5667 Silver Maple Road Yonge Street East Inactive Renumbered to stop 6703
5668 Jefferson Sideroad Silver Maple Road West 81, 450
5669 Jefferson Sideroad Lake Forest Drive West 81, 450
5670 Jefferson Sideroad Milos Road West 81, 450
5671 Jefferson Sideroad Lourakis Street West 81, 450
5672 Jefferson Sideroad Bathurst Street West 81, 450
5673 Tower Hill Road Alhart Street East 81, 450
5674 Inactive
5675 Gamble Road Colesbrook Road East 81
5676 Gamble Road Harvest Court East 81
5677 Gamble Road Rothbury Road East 81
5678 Ninth Line Rupert Avenue North 9
5679 Elm Road Glad Park Avenue West 9
5680 Glad Park Avenue Millard Street North 9
5681 Millard Street Ninth Line East 9, 415, 417
5682 Ninth Line Rupert Avenue South 9
5683 Highway 27 Royal Gate Boulevard North Inactive
5684 Vaughan Valley Boulevard Stone Ridge Drive North 361
5685 Vaughan Valley Boulevard Zenway Boulevard North Inactive
5686 Vaughan Valley Boulevard West Inactive
5687 Vaughan Valley Boulevard Rainbow Creek Drive West Inactive
5688 Rainbow Creek Drive Zenway Boulevard South Inactive
5689 Zenway Boulevard Vaughan Valley Boulevard East 77, 361
5690 Vaughan Valley Boulevard Stone Ridge Road South 77, 361
5691 Vaughan Valley Boulevard Highway 7 South 77, 361
5692 Highway 27 West Royal Gate Boulevard South Inactive
5693 Keswick Gardens West Inactive
5694 Woodspring Avenue Bathurst Street (farside) East 423
5695 Woodspring Avenue Ray Snow Boulevard East 423
5696 Woodspring Avenue Memorial Gardens Way East 44, 423, 430
5697 Woodspring Avenue William Booth Avenue East 44, 423, 430
5698 Woodspring Avenue Alfred Smith Way North 44, 423, 430
5699 Woodspring Avenue Bonshaw Avenue North 44, 423, 430


Number Street Cross-street Direction Routes served Notes
5700 Woodspring Avenue Aspenwood Drive North 44, 423, 430
5701 Aspenwood Drive Marble Place East 423
5702 Aspenwood Drive East Inactive
5703 Aspenwood Drive Coachwhip Trail West 423
5704 Aspenwood Drive Woodspring Avenue West Inactive
5705 Woodspring Avenue Bonshaw Avenue South 423, 430
5706 Woodspring Avenue Gilpin Drive South 423, 430
5707 Woodspring Avenue William Booth Avenue South 423, 430
5708 Woodspring Avenue Memorial Gardens Way (farside) West 423, 430
5709 Woodspring Avenue Ray Snow Boulevard (farside) West 423
5710 Woodspring Avenue Gord Clelland Gate West 423
5711 Bales Drive West Davis Drive South Inactive
5712 Colonel Wayling Boulevard Leslie Street (farside) East Inactive
5713 Colonel Wayling Boulevard Howard Avenue East Inactive
5714 Howard Avenue Arthur Hall Drive North Inactive
5715 Howard Avenue Ward Avenue North Inactive
5716 Howard Avenue William Street North Inactive
5717 Howard Avenue Mount Albert Road North Inactive
5718 Henderson Drive Yonge Street (farside) West 32, 428, 434
5719 Donlands Avenue Farr Avenue North Inactive
5720 Farr Avenue George Street West Inactive
5721 Farr Avenue May Avenue West Inactive
5722 Ninth Line Elgin Mills Road East South 9, 417
5723 Leslie Street South 50, 425
5724 Inactive
5725 Ninth Line Elgin Mills Road East North 9, 417
5726 Springhead Gardens Denava Gate North 83, 443
5727 Weston Road Retreat Boulevard North 165F
5728 Weston Road Lormel Gate North 165F
5729 Weston Road Canada Drive North 165F
5730 Canada Drive Vellore Park Avenue East 21, 165F, 467
5731 Canada Drive Summit Drive East 21, 165F, 467
5732 Canada Drive Cityview Boulevard East 21, 165F, 467
5733 Cityview Boulevard South 21, 165F, 467
5734 Cityview Boulevard Lormel Gate South 21, 165F, 467
5735 Cityview Boulevard Retreat Boulevard South 21, 165F, 467
5736 Cityview Boulevard Major Mackenzie Drive West South 21, 165F, 467
5737 Peter Rupert Avenue District Avenue North 105
5738 Peter Rupert Avenue Maurier Boulevard North 105
5739 Peter Rupert Avenue Carrier Crescent (farside) North Inactive Replaced by stop 6272
5740 Peter Rupert Avenue Ivy Glen Drive North Inactive
5741 Peter Rupert Avenue Sand Valley Street (farside) North 105
5742 Peter Rupert Avenue Freedom Trial North 105
5743 Peter Rupert Avenue Major Mackenzie Drive West North 105
5744 Dufferin Street Freedom Trail South 105
5745 Dufferin Street Ivy Glen Drive South 105
5746 Dufferin Street Maurier Boulevard South 105
5747 Dufferin Street District Avenue South 105
5748 Dufferin Street Rutherford Road South 105
5749 Major Mackenzie/Highway 400 Carpool Lot Inactive
5750 Bathurst Street Beverley Glen Boulevard South 23, 88, 470
5751 Bathurst Street Beverley Glen Boulevard North 23, 88, 470
5752 Inactive
5753 Inactive
5754 Inactive
5755 Inactive
5756 Inactive
5757 Inactive
5758 Inactive
5759 Inactive
5760 Denison Street Eastvale Drive East 2
5761 Denison Street Bussa Road East 2
5762 Denison Street Elson Street East 2
5763 Elson Street Tawney Road South 2
5764 Elson Street Eastvale Drive West 2
5765 Inactive
5766 Inactive
5767 Inactive
5768 Inactive
5769 Middlefield Road Golden Avenue South Inactive
5770 Middlefield Road Denison Street South Inactive
5771 Middlefield Road Denison Street (farside) North 2
5772 Middlefield Road Golden Avenue North 2
5773 Middlefield Road Highglen Avenue North 2 Middlefield C.I.
5774 Highglen Avenue Fonda Road East 2
5775 Fonda Road Golden Avenue South 2
5776 Fonda Road Ralph Court South 2
5777 Woodbine Avenue Vine Cliff Boulevard North 418, 452
5778 Inactive
5779 Inactive
5780 Yonge Street South 81, 98, 98/99, 447, 450
5781 Yonge Street North 81, 98, 98/99, 442, 447
5782 Weston Road Old Weston Road South Inactive
5783 Weston Road Steeles Avenue West South Inactive
5784 Weston Road Steeles Avenue West (farside) North Inactive
5785 Weston Road Old Weston Road North Inactive
5786 Inactive
5787 Inactive
5788 Queen Filomena Avenue Giordano Way West 446
5789 Queen Filomena Avenue Via Romano Boulevard West 446
5790 Via Romano Boulevard Rivermill Crescent North 23, 446, 470
5791 Via Romano Boulevard Sir Stevens Boulevard West 23, 446, 470
5792 Via Romano Boulevard Lady Veronica Lane West 23, 446, 470
5793 Via Romano Boulevard Sir Angelo Way North Inactive
5794 Via Romano Boulevard Teston Road North Inactive
5795 Teston Road Torah Gate East 446
5796 Teston Road Quail Run Boulevard West 446
5797 Via Romano Boulevard Countrywide Court South 23, 446, 470
5798 Via Romano Boulevard Glenheron Crescent (farside) South 23, 446, 470
5799 Via Romano Boulevard Sir Francesco Street South 23, 446, 470


Number Street Cross-street Direction Routes served Notes
5800 Via Romano Boulevard Sweet Emily Court East 23, 446, 470
5801 Via Romano Boulevard Ferretti Street South 23, 446, 470
5802 Via Romano Boulevard Queen Filomena Avenue South 23, 446, 470
5803 Queen Filomena Avenue Giordano Way (farside) East 446
5804 Queen Filomena Avenue Bathurst Street East 446
5805 Queen Filomena Avenue Bathurst Street (farside) West 446
5806 McNaughton Road St. Joan of Arc Avenue West 462, 464, 465 St. Joan of Arc C.H.S.
5807 McNaughton Road Cranston Park Avenue West 462, 465
5808 McNaughton Road Major Mackenzie Drive West South 465
5809 Melville Avenue Major Mackenzie Drive West (farside) South 26, 465
5810 Drummond Drive Longwood Drive East 462, 464
5811 Drummond Drive St. Joan of Arc Avenue East 462, 464
5812 Drummond Drive Keele Street East 462, 464
5813 Grand Valley Boulevard Gianmarco Way West 464
5814 Grand Valley Boulevard Discovery Trail West 464
5815 Grand Valley Boulevard Treasure Road West 464
5816 Mast Road Del Francesco Way (farside) North 464
5817 Mast Road Queen Isabella Crescent North Inactive
5818 John Deisman Boulevard Tierra Avenue North 464
5819 Mast Road Queen Isabella Crescent South 464
5820 Mast Road Del Francesco Way South 464
5821 Del Francesco Way Treasure Road East 464
5822 Grand Valley Boulevard Discovery Trail East 464
5823 Grand Valley Boulevard Jane Street East 464
5824 Highway 27 Royalpark Way South 7
5825 St. Thomas of Villanova High School West Inactive
5826 Lemar Road Carlson Drive West 427 Sacred Heart C.H.S.
5827 Woodbine Avenue Reflection Road North Inactive
5828 Woodbine Avenue Elgin Mills Road East North Inactive
5829 Elgin Mills Road East John Birchall Road West 80, 452
5830 Elgin Mills Road East Leslie Street West 80, 452
5831 Leslie Street North 82, 83A, 90, 449, 452
5832 Elgin Mills Road East John Birchall Road East 80, 452
5833 Elgin Mills Road East Victoria Square Boulevard East 80, 418, 452
5834 Victoria Square Boulevard Reflection Road South 80, 418, 452
5835 Hemlock Drive Tenth Line East 415
5836 Tenth Line Main Street South 415
5837 Major Mackenzie Drive East McCowan Road (farside) West 25, 129A
5838 33 Weldrick Road North Inactive
5839 SmartCentres Richmond Hill Metro South
5840 Fred Varley Drive Aldona Drive West 302
5841 Fred Varley Drive Sciberras Road West 302
5842 Fred Varley Drive Krieghoff Avenue North 302
5843 Kreighoff Avenue Village Parkway West 302
5844 Rutherford Road Napa Valley Avenue West 7, 13, 85
5845 Markland Street Bartlett Road North 449
5846 Inactive
5847 Inactive
5848 Major Mackenzie Drive West Vellore Park Avenue West 4, 165, 467
5849 Keele Street King-Vaughan Road North 96
5850 Keele Street King-Vaughan Road South 96
5851 Church Street Rose Way East 406, 411, 416
5852 Ninth Line Major Mackenzie Drive East North 9, 417
5853 Ninth Line Major Mackenzie Drive East South 9, 417
5854 Ninth Line North 9, 417
5855 Ninth Line South 9, 417
5856 Ninth Line North 9, 417
5857 Ninth Line South 9, 417
5858 Ian MacDonald Boulevard York Boulevard North Inactive Temporarily replaced by 9822 during construction
5859 Metro Road South Gwendolyn Boulevard South 424
5860 Metro Road South Garden Avenue (farside) South 424
5861 Woodspring Avenue Ford Wilson Boulevard (farside) East 44, 423, 430
5862 Woodspring Avenue Art West Avenue West 423, 430
5863 Elgin Mills Road East Prince Regent Street East 80, 418, 452
5864 Elgin Mills Road East Duke of York Street West Inactive
5865 Larkin Avenue Sawyer Crescent North 301, 410
5866 Ravenshoe Road West 424
5867 Rutherford Road Blue Grouse Road West 85
5868 Rutherford Road Crimson Forest Drive West 85
5869 Weston Road Major Mackenzie Drive West (farside) South 165
5870 Inactive
5871 Inactive
5872 Inactive
5873 Henderson Avenue Cerswell Avenue North 2
5874 Henderson Avenue Cerswell Avenue South 2
5875 Bur Oak Avenue Kennedy Road (farside) East 8, 18, 304, 402, 418 Replaced stop 1865
5876 Bur Oak Avenue Kennedy Road West 18, 418
5877 May Avenue Josie Drive West Inactive
5878 May Avenue Josie Drive South Inactive
5879 Industrial Parkway Cousins Drive South Inactive
5880 Industrial Parkway Cousins Drive North Inactive
5881 Mulock Drive Columbus Way East Inactive
5882 Bernard Terminal Platform 1 Inactive
5883 Bernard Terminal Platform 4 81
5884 Blue Door Support Services South Inactive
5885 Leslie Street Bogartown Curve North 57
5886 Leslie Street Bogart Mill Trail South 57
5887 Inactive
5888 Rutherford Road Jacob Keffer Parkway East 85, 87
5889 Four Valley Drive South Inactive
5890 Four Valley Drive South Inactive
5891 Four Valley Drive South Inactive
5892 Four Valley Drive Edgeley Boulevard East Inactive
5893 Four Valley Drive North Inactive
5894 Four Valley Drive North Inactive
5895 Four Valley Drive North Inactive
5896 Estate Garden Drive West 433
5897 Littleside Street Timber Valley Avenue North 433
5898 Littleside Street Timber Valley Avenue (farside) South 433
5899 Estate Garden Drive East 433


Number Street Cross-street Direction Routes served Notes
5900 Thomas Cook Avenue Wolf Creek Crescent North 23, 470
5901 Thomas Cook Avenue Marc Santi Boulevard North 23, 470
5902 Thomas Cook Avenue Lebovic Campus Drive North 23, 470
5903 Lebovic Campus Drive Rumsey Road East 23, 470
5904 Lebovic Campus Drive Ilan Ramon Boulevard East Inactive
5905 Lebovic Campus Drive Bathurst Street East Inactive
5906 Major Mackenzie Drive East Donald Cousens Parkway East 25
5907 Donald Cousens Parkway Castlemore Avenue South 25
5908 Donald Cousens Parkway Ninth Line East 25
5909 Donald Cousens Parkway Country Glen Road East 25
5910 Donald Cousens Parkway 16th Avenue South 25
5911 16th Avenue Cornell Centre Boulevard West Inactive
5912 Cornell Centre Boulevard White's Hill Avenue South 25
5913 Cornell Centre Boulevard Shady Oaks Avenue South Inactive
5914 Cornell Centre Boulevard Riverlands Avenue South Inactive
5915 William Forster Road Arthur Bonner Avenue South 1, 25 Previously located at Cornell Centre Boulevard and Highway 7
5916 William Forster Road Highway 7 (farside) North 25 Previously located at Cornell Centre Boulevard and Highway 7 (farside)
5917 Cornell Centre Boulevard Riverlands Avenue North Inactive
5918 Cornell Centre Boulevard Shady Oaks Avenue North Inactive
5919 Cornell Centre Boulevard White's Hill Avenue (farside) North 25
5920 16th Avenue Cornell Rouge Boulevard East 25
5921 Donald Cousens Parkway Country Glen Road West 25
5922 Donald Cousens Parkway Ninth Line West 25
5923 Donald Cousens Parkway Castlemore Avenue North 25
5924 Donald Cousens Parkway Major Mackenzie Drive East North 25
5925 Morning Dove Drive Quail Hollow East 401, 402
5926 Morning Dove Drive Cornell Rouge Boulevard East 401, 402
5927 Cornell Rouge Boulevard White's Hill Avenue South 401, 402
5928 White's Hill Avenue John Allan Cameron Street West 25, 401, 402, 406
5929 White's Hill Avenue John Allan Cameron Street East 25, 401, 402, 406
5930 White's Hill Avenue Cornell Rouge Boulevard East 25, 401, 402, 406
5931 Cornell Rouge Boulevard Morning Dove Drive North 401, 402
5932 Morning Dove Drive Cornell Centre Boulevard West 401, 402
5933 Estate Garden Drive Yonge Street East 433
5934 Major Mackenzie Drive East Nichols Boulevard West 4, 24, 25
5935 Glenwoods Park and Ride East
5936 16th Avenue Yorkton Boulevard West 16, 418
5937 16th Avenue Yorkton Boulevard East 16, 418
5938 16th Avenue Country Glen Road East 401
5939 16th Avenue Bur Oak Avenue East 401
5940 16th Avenue Black Creek Drive West 401, 402
5941 16th Avenue Black Creek Drive East 401, 402
5942 Yonge Street North 52
5943 Yonge Street South 52
5944 Davis Drive Ford Wilson Boulevard West 44, 430
5945 Medallion Boulevard Highway 27 West 7
5946 Jane Street Auto Vaughan Drive North 20
5947 Jane Street Auto Vaughan Drive South 20
5948 Kingshill Road Bathurst Street West 433
5949 Rollinghill Road Tower Hill Road (farside) South 81, 442
5950 Old Kennedy Road Sunrise Drive South Inactive
5951 Old Kennedy Road Aldergrove Drive South 203
5952 Inactive
5953 Jane Street Springside Drive South 20
5954 Jane Street Springside Road North 20
5955 Jane Street Norwood Avenue North 20, 720, 760
5956 Jane Street Avro Road North 20
5957 Jane Street Major Mackenzie Drive West North Inactive
5958 Kennedy Road Angus Glen Boulevard (farside) North 402
5959 Inactive
5960 Inactive
5961 Main Street Market Street East 9
5962 Inactive
5963 Srigley Street Crusader Way East 427, 430 Sacred Heart C.H.S.
5964 Inactive
5965 Inactive
5966 Srigley Street Orsi Drive West 430 Sacred Heart C.H.S.
5967 Inactive
5968 Inactive
5969 Finch GO Bus Terminal Platform 13 Inactive
5970 Finch GO Bus Terminal Platform 17 Inactive
5971 Finch GO Bus Terminal Platform 18 Inactive
5972 Inactive
5973 Industrial Parkway Yonge Street (farside) East Inactive
5974 Maple Sugar Lane Pleasant Ridge Avenue (farside) East 23, 470
5975 Markham Road North 2, 102D
5976 Unionville Gate Main Street Unionville West 304
5977 Main Street Unionville Enterprise Boulevard South Inactive
5978 Anna Russell Way East Inactive
5979 Anna Russell Way East Inactive
5980 Austin Drive Karma Road West 522
5981 Austin Drive Karma Road East 522
5982 Inactive
5983 Hampton Green North 522
5984 Gord's No Frills West 522
5985 Main Street Markham Thomson Court South 522
5986 Cornell Park Avenue Walkerville Road (farside) West 522
5987 Trench Street South 83, 83A, 443
5988 Stone Road West 32, 432, 434
5989 Carlton Road Liebeck Crescent East 302
5990 Inactive
5991 Emily Carr S.S. North 461
5992 Apple Creek Boulevard Hollingham Road West 410
5993 Pefferlaw Road Morning Glory Road North Inactive
5994 Helen Avenue Greenwater Gate East 404
5995 South Unionville Avenue Ray Street East 404
5996 South Unionville Drive Harry Cook Drive East 404
5997 Castan Avenue Avoca Drive East 404
5998 Castan Avenue Avoca Drive West 404
5999 Castan Avenue Pierra Gardens East 404

Divisions BRT (Miller) - North (TOK Transit) - Southeast (Miller) - West (TOK Transit)
Terminals Bernard - Cornell - Finch - Highway 407 Station - Major Mackenzie West - Markham-Stouffville Hospital - Newmarket - Pioneer Village - Promenade - Richmond Hill Centre - SmartVMC - Vaughan Mills
Hubs 404 Town Centre - Canada's Wonderland - Don Mills Station - Humber College - Islington Loop - Markville Mall - Seneca College King Campus - Sheppard West Station - York University
Park & Rides Davis Dr. & Hwy 404 - Wellington St. & Hwy 404
Bus Stops 1000-1999, 2000-2999, 3000-3999, 4000-4999, 5000-5999, 6000-6999, 7000-7999, 8000-9999 - Family Of Services
Viva Blue/Blue B - Purple/Purple A - Orange - Yellow
Regular 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 16 18 20 21 23 24 25 26 32 33 40 44 50 51 52 54 55 56 57 77 80 81 82 83/83A 85 86 87 88 90/90B 91/91A/91B 96 98 99 105 107/107B 165 522
TTC-operated 17A 68B 102D 129A 160
Express 300 301 302 303 304 305 320 360 361 391
School Specials 401 402 403 404 405 406 408 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 420 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 432 433 434 436 437 440 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 452 460 461 462 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 473
On-Request Aurora GO - Gormley - King - Kleinburg-Nashville - Maple-Rutherford GO - Markham - Newmarket Local - North-Central - Richmond Hill Local - Stouffville - Woodbridge
Discontinued 2A 6 9 11 15 18 22 24D 25D 27 28 31 33 33A 34 35D 37D 41 42 45 53 58 59 61 66 69 80 81 84 87 88E 107F 200 201 202 203 203 204 210 215 220 220/221 222 222 223/223A 224B 224C/224D 225 240 241 242 243 244 260 268 318/319 320 340 360 400 401 402 404 405 408 409 410 414 414 416 416 421 422 423 435 440 441 442 443 451 463 466 520/521 560 561 589/590 720 760 - Blue A - Pink - Green - 800 - Aurora-Oak Ridges - Blue Willow Community - Bristol - Bur Oak - Business Shuttle - East Gwillimbury GO - Gorham-Eagle - Holland Landing - Holland Landing-Mount Albert - Keswick - King Local - Mapleglen - Markham Fair - Markham Local - Mount Albert - Newmarket - Newmarket-Aurora-Oak Ridges - North - Sutton-Pefferlaw - The ROC - Unionville Local - Vellore Local
Greater Golden Horseshoe Agencies
Bradford West Gwillumbury
Durham Region
GO Transit
Grand River
Midland Penetanguishene
Port Hope
Norfolk County
Simcoe County
Wasaga Beach
York Region