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Kevin L

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  1. All are done
  2. All are now done. @Express691 - I'm assuming you mean the R in route needs to be capitalized? It is. These is a problem/bug with the wiki displaying capitals (as well as accent symbols) on some pages with some pages showing all lower case letters in the title as well.
  3. A Freightliner Custom Chassis page would probably be the best option. I see it as similar enough to the IC Bus chassis arrangement we have now. The internal name could be used but would need to be liked to the model page for those who are unsure of the internal name. I like the blend of the common and internal name personally even if it takes up more space.
  4. Above requests done.
  5. All are done.
  6. Its been one of the more tougher things to figure out how to organize and display them. When we started this VIN project there were certain things that were not anticipated or realized. (ie difficulty with changing alternating colours for different orders, repeating VIN year codes, large transit agency orders needing 150-200 individual lines for each vin). On the test page I only consolidated the vins that already had pages. My preference is to leave the full vin until pages are created for them. For some of the transit bus pages especially, full vins result in very long tables and a lot of editing for large orders or big production years. The format may not work for everyone but I think we have found a good balance between editing time, page/table length and displaying info.
  7. Did a test page so people can visually see how it would look.
  8. Something like New Flyer Industries 2022 VINs as an example? I think that would be a good idea.
  9. Bit of a late reply (busy with work and life - limited editing time), but I'm seeing merits in this arrangement having each production year on it's own page. I think its the best option going forward. I possibly may be starting to consolidate the MCI pages (as time permits). I could give this a try and see how it flows/works.
  10. Done
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